Today's a Tuesday.. and it's a new film day (as I've mentioned three months ago.... ha ha ha)
So much for introductions I tried
Anyway, last Saturday, Laine, Keik, another friend named Sydney, and I all went to Bonifacio Global City to have a photoshoot. It's partly for their project (some sort of talent show, and they decided that theirs was to take photos. so they did) but I just tagged along to take my own photos (I grouped with another classmate and Yeollie for the project). We actually arrived sometime around 10am, and most stores were still closed so we were resigned to the outdoors (where it was kinda really sunny and hot). The theme is something related to winter/fall, thus their outfits.
For this photoshoot, I actually brought three rolls of film with me (one was already loaded and partially used). Since I finished only two, those were the ones I got developed. Sadly, the first roll had only 7 salvaged photos (I still have no concrete idea why. The only problem with the first roll is that it's expired, so maybe that had something to do with it) and those are dark and grainy, quite unlike my previous photos. Despite these, however, I still hope that you enjoy my shots c:
As usual, taken with Penelo-P, my Nikon FG-20
Keik with Laine's camera |
Left to.. Bottom (HAHA sorry)- Keik, Laine, Sydney, Me |
levitating photos are the bomb (also, Keik's makeup) |
(insert hashtag here) ITRIED |
[Levitating Photo]; resembled a sort of ad for lushcosmetics oops |
Apparently I like to do this comparing of photos thing
right outside of fully booked, a fail levitating shot that looks pretty decent |
Sydney and her sister Chelsea |
[Photo taken by Keik] |
The following photos are from the first roll (weeps); they ended up to be dark and/or extra grainy
Shot outside of my window |
I tried to double expose and I think I sort of succeeded (outside my window again) |
Hobbes and Landes before the store opened. The two figures were positioned behind the doors and it looked just creepy and adorable. I think I made it look more creepy than the latter, though. (darn you film) |
Well, that's it for now. Until I get my next film roll developed (continuation there, although not anymore photoshoot-y.)
xx Cara